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Great Witley CE Primary School
Forest School Update January 2018
We have had a great deal of fun so far in Forest School and have really enjoyed exploring the two sites on the school grounds. The recent bad weather saw some damage to one of our sites so this will be resting for a little while we ensure that broken branches are cleared from the trees and the site. The two sites have provided us with a range of different environments to explore. We have made some lovely craft items, climbed some very old trees, been on some fantastic adventures and made lots and lots of dens. I have taken a huge amount of pictures of the children having fun and you can find these on the website. Select the “Children” tab you can then click on “Forest School” where you will find a section for each class. I have also added a “Forest School at Home” link where I will be uploading some of the activities that we do for you to try at home so please have a browse.
The New Year sees very little change for classes at Forest School. Reception through to Year 3 will continue their regular sessions without change for the rest of the year. The Key Stage 2 Thursday afternoon slot will remain with Year 4 up to the February half term, after half term this will be a full term for Year 5 (on Thursday afternoons) and we have lots of exciting things planned.
As always we welcome any adult helpers that can come along to sessions, even if it is just the occasional afternoon that you can spare. Parents, Grandparents, all are welcome, we just ask that you let the office know which dates you can help with and fill out the necessary safeguarding information. Our helpers really are valued as it means we can do the more exciting things like having campfires.
We have also had some very exciting news! Before Christmas I worked with the Student Council to put in an application for a wildlife grant. We were successful in being granted £500 worth of equipment including a hedgehog house, insect hotels, frog houses and most exciting an RSPB bird nestcam which we hope to install above the Swallows nest in the foyer ready for their return in the Spring. Hopefully all the children at school will benefit from this and I will continue to develop the wildlife and gardening provision throughout the year.
One last reminder from me is to ask you to please make sure that your children have enough warm layers to wear to Forest School. The children do not really run around so need all the warm layers that they can fit into. ALL children need woolly hats and gloves as a matter of course. I have bought some spares, but I don’t always have enough to go around. Extra jumpers and socks are also vital. Thin waterproof all-in-ones and thin waterproof coats really do not provide any warmth so the children will get very cold very quickly which can ruin the fun for them.
I look forward to another great Forest School term and hope to see some new faces helping out if anyone can spare an afternoon or two. Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Kellett
Forest School Leader