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Great Witley CE Primary School

Witley Wrap Holiday Club

Witley Wrap Holiday Club runs during school holidays (except Christmas) and is open to all children from aged 3.8 months to 11 years old.


Our aim is to provide fun, affordable childcare in a safe and beautiful environment based at Great Witley CE Primary School. We also visit the surrounding park and playing fields.


We offer many exciting activities to keep your child entertained including sports, arts & crafts, den building, cookery, Nerf wars and Football with Kidderminster Harriers.


During the summer holiday club (weather permitting) we have water play fun paddling pool and water pistols. 


Children that attend our holiday club have lots of fun and make new friends. They are well looked after and cared for by our team of entertaining and highly-qualified staff.  


Any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact Witley Wrap on or speak with the office Manager Mrs Fletcher 


Please contact us on 07587237006

or Email or pop into the school office. 


Witley Wrap Holiday club costs


Full day

includes light breakfast, snacks and afternoon tea. Packed lunch from home.

7:30 am - 5:30 pm - £30 per session


School day

includes morning snacks. Packed lunch from home.

8:45 am - 3:15 pm - £20 per session


Half day

includes morning snack.

Any 4 consecutive hours between 9 am - 4 pm - £12 per session


As Witley Wrap is part of Great Witley Primary School. All policies and procedures can be found here. 


Policies/Procedures/Protocols | Great Witley CE Primary School